Regularizing the Local Similarity Discriminant Analysis Classifier

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Luca Cazzanti and Maya R. Gupta

Abstract - We investigate parameter-based and distribution- based approaches to regularizing the generative, similarity-based classifier called local similarity discriminant analysis classifier (local SDA). We argue that regularizing distributions rather than parameters can both increase the model flexibility and decrease estimation variance while retaining the conceptual underpinnings of the local SDA classifier. Experiments with four benchmark similarity-based classification datasets show that the proposed regularization significantly improves classification performance compared to the local SDA classifier, and the distribution- based approach improves performance more consistently than the parameter-based approaches. Also, regularized local SDA can perform significantly better than similarity-based SVM classifiers, particularly on sparse and highly nonmetric similarities.

Datasets - AuralSonar | AmazonBinary | Patrol | Voting
Software - Similarity Discriminant Analysis Matlab Toolbox

BibTex -
TITLE = {Regularizing the local similarity discriminant analysis classifier},
AUTHOR = {L. Cazzanti and M. R. Gupta},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2009 Intl. Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications ({ICMLA})},
ADDRESS = {Miami Beach, FL, USA},
MONTH = {December},
YEAR = {2009}}